Sunday, October 19, 2008

Erin's Adam

Yesterday a friend that I met in the church nursery at the ripe old age of 1 got married. I've been friends with Adam longer than some of my own siblings. At the wedding reception our table was casually sharing funny memories of Adam from childhood and I thought I'd repeat the one I shared.

I'd like to say we were still in elementary school, the truth may be more embarrassing. Up to no good in his dad's home office one evening, we thought it would be great to order a pizza for delivery to a complete stranger out of the phone book. We found a man's name bearing the suffix "M.D." and decided he was to be our poor victim. Pizza Hut was more than happy to take our order, given in an faked low, 'adult' voice. Just as we were finalizing our order for several large pies to the Apple Valley Medical Center's East entrance, and agreeing to the cost (who cares! They'll get stuck with it! Ha, ha, ha!) we were just about to hang up when a new voice broke in. This voice was an actual low adult voice and one that was all too familiar to us. It rumbled from the vocal cords of Adam's towering father, one of the biggest adults I'd known who had official permission from my parents to spank me at his discretion ever since I was a toddler!

"Boys, hang up the phone."

We were busted. I don't remember for sure, but I may have met Rollin's hand that evening. If I did, it wasn't the first time.

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