Friday, January 2, 2009


As soon as Sally and Arthur boarded the Empire Builder for a wedding in Pittsburg, PA the Thursday before Christmas, I said to myself: "Self, renovate!" And renovate, I did! Our Bathroom had been screaming for a make-over since long before we bought this house, and it's the one room in the house that didn't get any new paint right off the bat. So, finding myself home-alone for several days, I figured it was my chance.
At first, my goal was simple: ugly old wall-paper 'off', new paint 'on'. Before I was finished stripping (ahhhhhhhemmm - the wall-paper), I noticed a significant puddle under the sink. Further investigation revealed a crumbling wastewater pipe. I couldn't bring myself to replace all that plumbing without at least considering a new sink (it had long been my opinion that a pedestal sink would be one of the best possible improvements we could make to our 'tight' little bathroom). Sure enough, I found a very affordable sink that seemed to be just right for us. In-goes the new sink. While the walls were bare, I also figured the old lighting fixtures better go. The new one would be placed above the mirror necessitating a bit of re-wiring, which required a lot of attic-crawling, runs to the service panel in the basement, and a lot of wire-fishing. As long as I was doing all of that, I figured wiring a new GFCI receptacle was reasonable.
So, when all was said and done, the ceiling and all the walls were newly painted. A new pedestal sink, faucet, and water lines were installed, along with a new vanity light fixture and a GFCI receptacle.

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